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Jack Sleight .DEV


Refactoring Statamic content with Distill

Sometimes it's necessary to refactor your blueprints—for example, if you decide that a field should be renamed or a set should have a different structure. While it's easy to edit the field configurations, updating existing content to match can be a chore, especially if you have… More

Adding actions to specific Statamic fields

The recently released field actions feature in Statamic allows you to add custom actions to built-in fieldtypes. By default actions apply to every instance of a particular fieldtype, and you can control the visibility with the visible function. So what if you only want to enable… More

Hot reloading Statamic's live preview with Alpine or Livewire

Statamic 3.4.8 includes a fantastic PR by Tom Diggelmann that adds the option to send the live preview a post message on update, rather than fully refreshing the page. This allows you to update the page however you like, and can be used to hot-reload the content if your stack… More

Importing HTML into Statamic’s Bard fieldtype

Statamic’s Bard fieldtype stores values as ProseMirror documents, so if you’re importing existing HTML with a PHP script it makes sense to convert it to the nodes and marks Bard expects. This guide outlines how to convert HTML to ProseMirror, a couple of gotchas, and finally how… More

Introducing Bard Texstyle Pro edition

I’m excited to announce the release of Bard Texstyle 2.1 and the brand new Pro edition. Although 2.0 only just came out that was mainly a compatibility release for Statamic 3.4. This is a big release with some major new features, both for the new Pro edition and existing Free… More

Importing HTML into Statamic’s Bard fieldtype

Statamic’s Bard fieldtype stores values as ProseMirror documents, so if you’re importing existing HTML with a PHP script it makes sense to convert it to the nodes and marks Bard expects. This guide outlines how to convert HTML to ProseMirror, a couple of gotchas, and finally how… More

Reading Markdown front matter in Statamic

Statamic's markdown modifier allows you to parse markdown into HTML. But what if you have markdown from an external source that contains front matter values? The default markdown parser and modifier dont parse or return front matter values, but it's easy to add that ability! The… More

Blueprint based page aliases in Statamic templates

The page variable in Statamic templates contains the current entry, and is the primary way to access entry values in Blade. This works great, but when you’re working on non-page collections you might prefer to use a variable name that reflects the current blueprint, perhaps… More

Computed values in Statamic entries

Statamic now officially support computed values so you don't need this. Statamic allows you to alter entry values through the use of modifiers in your templates. However, if you’re applying the same modifications in multiple places or need a modified value outside of a template… More

Using Statamic globals in other application views

Statamic globals are automatically added to all views rendered by Statamic, whether you’re using Antlers or Blade. However, if you have views that are rendered outside of Statamic directly through Laravel’s view renderer the globals will not automatically be available. To make… More